Workflow ▼
With over 10 years of experience immortalizing cell lines, scientists at abm have been successful in immortalizing essentially every human and mouse cell type using different immortalizing agents or genes. We are expanding our expertise with mammalian cells and now offer this service to immortalize your requested cell lines. If you have a primary cell culture that you would like to immortalize, our custom services are the quickest and most reliable tool for your project, saving you the precious time and money you would have otherwise lost attempting different genes yourself. Our custom service package is designed to allow you to immortalize your cells using immortalization reagents selected from our offerings, enabling you to easily obtain your desired cell line for your research needs.
We have many different options available to immortalize your cell line. Choose from 1-2 of our immortalization reagents. We will work to immortalize your cells using the desired reagents.
Not sure which reagent is suitable for your cell line? Let our abm experts select the right reagents for your project. We design the immortalization procedure based on extensive scientific research and decades of experience.
關鍵字 Custom Cell Immortalization Service;Custom Cell Immortalization Service;Custom Cell Immortalization Service;Custom Cell Immortalization Service;Custom Cell Immortalization Service;Custom Cell Immortalization Service
公司簡介 合肥星肽生物科技有限公司作為專業的ABM中國代理商,專業經營原裝進口胎牛血清、細胞因子、ELISA試劑盒、細胞、抗體、生物試劑、耗材、培養基、一抗、二抗等。ABM安徽代理的產品涉及分子生物學、細胞生物學、細菌學、遺傳學、免疫學、生物化學、蛋白質學、細胞治療、臨床應用等領域。合肥星肽生物科技有限公司始終致力于為客戶提供可靠的研究材料以及方便快捷的服務,對購買項目的前期資料提供,中期合同保證,后期貨物跟蹤到*終售后的確保項目準確到位,都有相關專業人士進行維護,確保您在合肥合肥星肽生物科技有限公司公司獲得*上等服務!
聯系方式 何經理,合肥星肽生物科技有限公司,Tel:0551-63802898 400-8702-898, QQ:514713116
合肥星肽生物科技有限公司實驗室配備了waters LC-MA/MS、waters uplc,waters全自動純化儀、島津LCMS、全自動凍干系統、紫外分光光度計等專用精密儀器,為您提供高效專業的技術服務。