<- D. Clermont, CIP; Na 1a <- P. R. Edwards, Kentucky, USA. Human diarrhoeal stool. United States of America, Kentucky. Sampling Date: before 31.12.1955. Taxonomy/description (24404). Sequence accession no. whole genome shotgun sequence: CDHL01000000, 16S rRNA gene: KP057683, fusAgene: KM515985, leuS gene: KM515995, pyrG gene: KM516005, rpoB gene: KM516012(24404). (Medium 220, incubation time: 1-2 days, pH 7, 28°C, aerobic or Medium 92, incubation time: 1-2 days, pH 7, 30°C, aerobic or Medium 693, incubation time: 1-2 days, pH 7, 30°C, aerobic)
Clermont, D., Motreff, L., Passet, V., Fernandez, J.-C., Bizet, C., Brisse, S. (2015). Multilocus sequence analysis of the genus Citrobacter and description of Citrobacter pasteurii sp. nov. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 65 (Pt5): 1486-1490 . http://ijs.sgmjournals.org/content/65/Pt_5/1486.abstract